Expanded their audience and increased website traffic by 1,400%


  • Attract a new audience demographic to Shobana Jeyasingh Dance

  • Drive website traffic and ticket sales for the company’s autumn tour, Clorinda Agnosties - Clorinda the Warrior

  • Build attraction and an engaged audience that will stay with the company beyond the tour

Shobana Jeyasingh Dance

  • Increased engagement by over 4000%

  • Increased interest among young audiences

  • Increased online audience by over 190%

The Challenge

Shobana Jeyasingh Dance is an award-winning, industry-leading contemporary dance company. Their latest production merged cultures and art forms - sparking conversation regarding the current state of the world and politics. The company wanted to drive sales but also knew this could be a fantastic opportunity to interest a younger and more passionate audience.

The Solution

A key part of the success was utilising platforms which have younger audiences - on these platforms, we tapped into social media trends as well as relevant trending topics to get in front of our audience. Simultaneously, the content was bespoke for different platforms to match the engaged followers the company had on the platform, which enabled us to retain the interest of our current audience whilst obtaining new ones.


The strategy set is still being utilised - helping the audience to continue to grow. It’s transformed how the company views social media within their marketing strategy and has allowed them to form a loyal community.